


Decisions.. Decisions..  One of the more enjoyable dilemmas that brewers face is choosing a brewhouse setup.   One of the first decisions brewers get to ponder is whether to go with a skid mounted brewhouse, or choose a traditional brewhouse with stand-alone components.  There are so many factors to consider in this decision, and there are so many Pro’s and Con’s to balance.  The good news is that there are NO wrong answers.  The choice is yours. 

As a proven leader in the craft brewers industry, our Brewery Design Consultants will work with you to determine the best setup for your current, and future, brewing needs.  Having worked alongside professional brewers for more than a decade, we offer the following insight that may help you decide which setup is right for you and your brewery:


Why choose a Skid Mount for your Brewery?  

The Pro’s:

  1. The obvious:  It looks cool!  The first thing people notice about a skid mounted brewhouse is just how cool it looks.  With a mash tun and a brew kettle each mounted on one side of the central platform, the brewhouse has an eye-catching symmetry.  The hard piping gleams, with its perfect 90° elbows lined up perfectly, and rows and rows of shiny valves placed precisely in order.  With every detail thought out, and every component in its most perfect location, it is no wonder why so many brewers want to have a skid mounted brew house.
  2. Convenience:  The biggest factor many brewers consider is the convenience.  With 2 vessels mounted on the same skid, the brewhouse is one item to buy, ship and install.  A skid mounted brewhouse can simplify your space planning requirements in your brewery because you just need to find a place to park the skid.  No matter where you choose, the Mash Tun and Brew Kettle are always going to be next to each other in the perfect alignment.  With everything already installed on the brewhouse, and put into the perfect location, it is easy to set up a skid mount system.  Except for utility and steam connections, most skid mount systems do not required skilled trades in order to get up and running.
  3. More Fun:   Another reason brewers may choose to use a skid mount for their brewhouse is an obvious one: it is fun!  With every detail planned out for you, the valves are always in the right spot, and it is easy to see what you are doing.  With the pumps already mounted directly to the skid, it can be easier to move wort around.  There is no need to find and move the pump cart and connect up the hoses to proper connection.  Everything is already connected.  You just have to open the right valves.
  4. It is Easier to Relocate:   A skid system can be convenient to relocate.  If you brewery grows, and we hope that it does, you will need to reconfigure your space.  It is easy to move the skid around on its own wheels.  It is also easy to move to another location or another brewery if you find another site.  Either way, our team of Brewery Design Consultants are happy to advise you on your best options.   Brewing Equipment

The Con’s:

  1. Expense:  All the above mentions convenience may come with additional cost.  The cost of the stainless steel skid and all that hard piping (and valves) can add considerable expense to the brewhouse.  Costs include the materials cost for the skid, and all the labor to cut and weld the skid together and to attach the brew kettle and mash tun to the skid.  All of the hard piping also has to be cut, bent and mounted onto the skid.  Each contact point requires a weld and some time to polish.  There is also the cost of shipping the extra weight of the skid and the piping.
  2. Harder to Move in a Tighter Space:  Moving a skid system in a tight space can be a little more difficult.  Skid systems require a bigger door to get them into a building and a bigger forklift to get them off the truck.  Before you buy a skid system make sure you can get it into the building and move it easily into space.
  3. Sanitaion:  One thing that many people fail to consider early is sanitation.  Hard piping can be harder to clean inside the pipes.  It can require a lot of water and chemicals to Clean In Place.  It can take extra time as well.

Why choose a Traditional Brewhouse?

The Pro’s:

  1. Cost:  Cost is often a deciding factor behind choosing a traditional brewhouse.  The individual components are easier to manufacture than a skid mounted system, and without the additional materials in skid and piping, there is just less to buy and ship.  A traditional brewhouse offers all the functionality of a skid mount system with less stainless steel, less labor to manufacture, and less weight to truck to your brewery.
  2. Hoses are Cheaper:  Brewer’s hose costs much less by the foot than stainless steel piping.  With a traditional brewhouse, you can use one length of hose for several steps in the process, getting by with one hose, where a skid system requires a length of pipe for each function.  Many skid systems have 2 or 3 sets of parallel pipes.
  3. Better for Non-Traditional Space:  Traditional brewhouses can be easier to fit into non-traditional spaces.  If your building has odd shapes and spaces, it can be easier to fit a traditional brewhouse than a skid mount.  Many historic buildings have space constrictions like smaller doors, posts and columns in inconvenient locations, and lower ceilings. The size of your brewhouse may be limited to the smallest opening in your building.  You can place the individual components in the most space efficient way possible.   Sometime just a slight movement or realignment can make all the difference in how you use the space.
  4. Control over Configuration:  You can configure your brewing system exactly the way you want it.  If you have strong opinions about the proper angle of your brew kettle versus the mash tun, then a traditional system is for you.  Some brewers like to maximize the ergonomic placement of their equipment, which is much easier when the pieces can all move independently.
  5. More Room to Grow:  Traditional systems also offer more flexibility as you grow or change your process.  It is easier to add components or new steps to your brew process if you have unlimited creativity in the placement of the brewhouse.  Adding a new whirlpool or hop back to your process, or upgrading the plate chiller might be a little simpler if you can reconfigure the placement of all the other components.


  • Hoses:  When it comes to brewer’s hose, some brewers love the flexibility that a few lengths of hose can provide.  They love the ease of cleaning, and the ability to hang hoses to dry.  Others dislike the clutter of hoses on the ground, and prefer to have as many pipes as possible fixed in place.



If money and space are not limits for you, and you want the luxury of a well-designed brewhouse, there is a skid system with your name on it.  If you are on a budget, have limited space, or need the flexibility to change your brewhouse as your brewery grows, you might find yourself in a traditional brewhouse.  The good news is, you can make great beer with both.  If you would like to get a quote for your brewery setup, follow this link to start the conversation. 



Yeast requires an initial burst of oxygen to metabolize the sugars with a form of respiration, but the bulk of the work that yeast does is in fermentation, which does not require oxygen.  In fact, when brewing beer with yeast, many brewers take steps to actively limit the amount of oxygen in the beer to reduce oxidation of volatile flavor compounds.

Yeast are quite happy to survive in an environment with all Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and no oxygen (O2).  During the most active phase of fermentation, yeast produces enough carbon dioxide to displace all of the oxygen in their fermentation vessel.  Beer brewers use conical fermenters to blow off all the excess oxygen out of airlocks in the top of closed fermenter.  Cones at the bottom allow brewers to harvest the yeast and used it again, brew after brew.


Wine makers need to control oxygen very tightly to avoid the three ways that oxygen can ruin wine:

  1. Chemical Oxidation
  2. Enzymatic Oxidation
  3. Microbial Oxidation

When oxygen is present, it will chemically bond with certain polyphenols in the wine.  Enzymes also use oxidation to break down complicated flavor compounds in wine.  Certain strains of bacteria found in wine will also turn wine into vinegar.  Similar strains of bacteria are present in kombucha.  These bacteria need oxygen to convert the ethanol (alcohol) in kombucha to acetic acid, which is responsible for that wonderful tart flavor in kombucha.


Some of our kombucha fermentation tanks have aeration stones built in.  These stones were originally invented to carbonate beer by infusing carbon dioxide into the tank under pressure.  We’ve found the aeration stones to be a good way to dissolve oxygen directly into your kombucha, right where the bacteria need it.

At Stout Tanks and Kettles, we are working on developing the best fermentation vessels for the symbiosis of the yeast and bacteria, including providing the oxygen that bacteria need.  Many kombucha brewers prefer open top fermenters so that the oxygen can directly dissolve into the surface of the kombucha.  Surface O2 can really enhance bacterial activity.  One of the downsides of open top fermenters is flying insects.  Nobody wants flies or gnats in their kombucha, so we are developing ways to provide surface oxygen without giving flying bugs free access to your kombucha.  Many brewers will use cheesecloth to keep insects out, but cheesecloth is not usually fine enough to keep all of the bugs out.

One important consideration for many kombucha Brewers is the ratio of surface area to volume in the tank.  Without aeration, all the oxygen in the kombucha has to enter from the surface of the kombucha.  We can custom design a fermenter for you in whatever shape you want to optimize the surface area to the volume of your fermenter.

To get started, take a look at some of our stainless steel kombucha fermenters and feel free to contact us directly with any questions about our kombucha brewing systems.


Temperature is Critical

As you may already know, temperature is critical to the mashing process.  Here are a few suggestions to help better explain your options for controlling the mash temperature more precisely and easily.   If you get confused and don’t know what option is best for your brewery setup, don’t worry..  you can always contact us directly with any additional questions you may have.

  • HOT WATER INFUSION:  the easiest and most common method, you will use hot water infusion to heat the mash (compatible with any type of system).

  • With HERMS (Heat Exchange Recirculating Mash System):  when you recirculate the mash wort out of the mash tun, through the coil which is in the heated hot liquor tank. The wort will come out of the coil at a temperature that is near the temperature of the hot liquor tank and it is directed back into the mash tun on top of the grains.  >>ADVANTAGE:  An advantage of HERMS is that you cannot heat the wort above the setting of the hot liquor tank, which will reduce the risk of overheating your wort and unnecessarily neutralizing enzymes.

  • With RIMS (Recirculating Infusion Mash System):   when you recirculate the mash wort out of the mash tun, through a RIMS tube which is in the heated by an electric element. The wort will come out of the RIMS tube and flow back into the mash tun on top of the grains. >>ADVANTAGE:  An advantage of RIMS is that you do not have to make adjustments to your hot liquor tank in order to add heat to the mash tun.  In general, you cannot get as much heat added to the mash tun with this method, compared to HERMS.



If you have a steam heated system, it is common to also have a steam heated mash tun.  If you have a mash tun with rakes and plow, we will typically provide side jacketing so you can stir the mash while you add heat.  If you do not have rakes, then we typically provide a steam jacket on the bottom of the mash tun so you can actively recirculate your wort while you add heat.

Have a question and want to speak directly with a Brewery Design Consultant about your brewery configuration?

–> Call (503) 372-9580

Ready for a pro brewing system quote?  Click HERE

Fermention is Essential to Managing your Scoby

Did you know that the term “Scoby” is actually an acronym?  It stands for, “Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast.”   True to its’ meaning, many consider the SCOBY to be the living home for bacteria and yeast, both essential components of the kombucha making process.   This being said, the quality of the Kombucha fermenter you purchase matters, and can be a determining factor in how well you are able to manage your SCOBY.


Manage your kombucha scoby

The bacteria form a mat of cellulose fiber as a by-product of bacterial fermentation.  The cellulose itself is not necessary for the Kombucha, rather it provides a home for bacteria and yeast to cling to.  But the bacteria and yeast are the important part, not necessarily the cellulose.  Most Kombucha brewers allow the cellulose mat to cover the entire container of Kombucha in their kitchen batches.  This help keep out foreign strains of bacteria and yeast that might be in the air, but it will also keep the oxygen away from the surface of the Kombucha.

Kombucha Fermenter Recommendations:

  1. Make sure you choose a Kombucha equipment design with closed tops to keep out most wild bacteria, yeast and insects, BUT one that has open manways to allow oxygen to enter.
  2. Make sure your Kombucha tanks are designed with top manways or side manways that will allow you to either lift out the SCOBY from the top of the tank, or from the bottom of the tank.  This is especially important in large batches, as the SCOBY can get very heavy.

At the commercial scale, managing the cellulose in the SCOBY can be difficult.  Some research indicates the bacteria colonies do better with a cellulose mat over the entire container, but some brewers experience a slow down in fermentation because of lack of oxygen.

Make kombucha in a quality fermenter

As a starting point, take a look at our Kombucha Brewing equipment options and feel free to contact us directly with any additional questions you may have.


How Big should your Cold Brew System Be?

Cold Brew equipment

Cold brew coffee is a lot like beer:  it is served 12 to 16 ounces at time, and cold.  We size our cold brew coffee systems similar to how we size our beer brewing systems:  by the barrel.   Our brewing systems range from 1 barrel  to 10 barrels.  On average, you can estimate about 31 US gallons of beer per barrel.  If you plan on brewing 31 gallons of coffee at a time, a 1 barrel brewing system would be a good place start.  If you want to aim a bit higher and brew 310 gallons of coffee at a time, a 10 barrel system would be a better option for you.

Many cold brewers create a concentrate form, which effectively doubles the volume they produce.  So 31 gallons of concentrate will produce about 62 gallons of cold brew.  By using this concentrate at the point of service, you can cut the container size and storage space required by cold brew in half!

What about Weight?

Coffee weighs about a quarter of an ounce per cubic inch, depending on the grind size and the density of the bean.  Many cold brewers start by using a pound of coffee to a gallon of water for their systems.  Because the coffee beans will retain water after brewing, a gallon of water into the brew may produce anywhere from a half to three quarters of a gallon of cold brew coffee.  5 gallons of water may yield 3 1/2 to 4 gallons of coffee.

Taking the above into consideration, we size your cold brewing vessel to allow for the amount of coffee you plan to use, and the production you want to achieve.  We also design the cold brewing vessel to make managing the coffee easier.  Smaller systems might have a top-out cold brewing system for removing coffee beans.  Larger brewing systems might have side mounted manway to allow you to remove coffee grounds from the bottom of the vessel, using gravity instead of using your back.


The size of your cold brew batch and the concentrate of your cold brew will dictate the amount and weight of dry and wet coffee you will be managing.  We design our brew vessels to make it easy to get your coffee grinds into and out of the brew vessel, and to maximize the amount of cold brew you can make per day.

To learn more about cold brew and determine the best cold brewing system for your needs, we recommend that you review some additional information, and contact us directly with any additional questions that you may have.  We are always here to help in any way that we can.

Where to begin.

Most cafés start out small with cold brew coffee, brewing with a Toddy system on a shelf in the back room.  But what if you run multiple cafés, and each of them needs cold brew in the summer?  What if you are a roaster, and selling your beans to multiple cafés, restaurants and offices, and they all want cold brew coffee?   How do you scale production to meet the growing demand?  Lucky for you, it is not as hard as it sounds.


We have developed a number of cold brew coffee systems for roasters all over the country, and there a few basic questions you have to answer first before we begin to design your system for you.  How many gallons per day will you serve from each location?  That will help you decide what kind of containers you will use, from bottles, to growlers, to bag-in-a box, to “Corny kegs” or the more professional “Sankey” kegs.  If you choose kegs, you can have 1/6 barrel kegs (around 5 gallons), 1/4 barrel kegs (around 7.75 gallons) or 1/2 barrel kegs (15.5 gallons).  Each of these containers can effectively be doubled by offering concentrate or ready-to-drink strengths.

Nitro or still?

The question of whether to serve your cold brew on nitro or still, is up to you.  Nitro creates an incredible mouth feel and enhances the flavor of cold brew, but it requires an investment in equipment to nitrogenate the coffee, and the ability to serve nitro cold brew from the tap.

Whether you plan to serve it still or on nitro, we can help you get your coffee into kegs.

Gallons per day per location.

For each of your accounts, whether they are your own cafés or wholesale customers of yours, you have estimated the gallons per day of cold brew that each location is likely to sell.  Gallons per day will depend on your foot traffic, the number of customers you serve per day, and the local weather conditions around your store.  Most people are discovering a greater demand for cold brew than they originally thought, so plan big.


Gallons per day will drive a lot of your decisions for your home brew system.  It will determine how often you will deliver to each location, what kind of containers you will deliver your cold brew in, and how strong you brew your cold brew.

Coffee is best fresh, and cold brew is no exception.  The fresher your cold brew, the more your customers will learn to love the flavors and come back for more.  The good news is that as you scale your production to larger batch sizes, there is more you can do to keep your cold brew fresh.

Once you know the gallons per day, you can make some decisions about the kind of container you use to deliver, how often you will deliver, and what kind of brew system you want to build.  When you scale your cold brew program, you can create efficiencies so you can make greater cold brew with less labor time.

Ready to Start Cold Brewing?  Check out some of our cold brew equipment and make sure to visit the Cold Brew Coffee section of our website to learn more about what it takes to be successful in the cold brewing business.  And don’t forget… we are here to help in any way that we can.




We are in the midst of a revolution in the brewing industry that is as important as the emergence of craft brewing in the 1980’s, or the repeal of prohibition in the 1930’s.  It is the emergence of the tap-room, and the rise of Nano-brewing.  According to the Brewers Association, the number of new breweries continues to grow rapidly in the U.S.  As of November, there were a total of 5,005 breweries in the U.S., a new record high.  That… is a lot of beer.    While the amount of beer Americans consume has not changed, the WAY Americans consume it, has.  Understanding this cultural sea of change is the key to succeeding economically as a brewer.



The best way to understand the key to financial success is to understand the economics of your beer production.  The way you  choose to sell your beer, matters.

You can sell a half barrel keg to a distributor for $100, or you can sell your beer one pint at a time over the bar for $5.50 a pint, if not more.  That works out to be at least $711 per keg[1].  By selling your beer through distribution, you are giving 85% of the value of your beer to the distributor and the retailer, and keeping only 15% for yourself.

How to make money brewing

Here is another way of looking at it.  By developing a retail sales model, you can pay yourself 6 times more per barrel as a brewer than you could earn in a distribution model.  You can make the same money by making only 15% of the beer. This simple lesson in economics makes the revolution in brewing easy to understand.


So what is driving this change?  Beer is changing from a “Product” to an “Experience”.  There is a difference between “buying a 6-pack” and “having a beer” with a friend.  When you buy a six pack, you are purchasing a product that is similar to all the other products on the market.  A six pack of Bud is not all that different from a six pack of Miller or a six pack of Coors.  The choice comes down to price and availability.  How cheap is the beer, and where can I get it?  This is where distributors make their money; by bringing massive amounts of beer to every conceivable outlet… every grocery store, every convenience store, every corner market.


Contrast that to the experience of having a pint with a friend.  People want these occasions to be special, social, and unique.  You get together with a friend to make the evening enjoyable, you seek out an interesting place to meet, and you look for some new flavors to enjoy and discuss.  The experience is about community, connecting with the important people in your life.  It is also about the beer.  What makes this beer special?  What makes it different and unique?  Those questions can be answered by the brewer behind the bar.  When the consumer is in the tap room of the brewery, they can see where the beer is made.  They can talk to the people who made it.  Their connection to the beer is that much closer and more interesting.  Their experience of the beer is that much richer.



The old craft beer model of distribution has hit some limits.  There is a limit to the shelf space in a grocery store.  There is a limit to the knowledge of the average convenience store clerk has about craft beer.  The experience of buying craft beer in distribution can only get so interesting.  This is why beer drinkers are seeking out something more in the form of a tap room.  Craft beer is about connections.  Connecting the beer drinker with the beer brewer, so the brewer can explain what they are trying to create with the beer, and the beer drinker can understand what drives the flavors, and how ingredients, and the brewing process and fermentation and temperature all combine to create wonderful flavors.  Craft beer is about connecting the beer drinkers with their friends and neighbors.  Bringing people together in a comfortable environment where conversation is encouraged, where people can be close to the important things in their lives.  Close to work, close to home, close to friends, close to family.  Craft beer is about connecting the flavors of beer with the flavors of food.  The subtleties of flavor in the meat and the spices matching with the sweetness and bitterness of the brew.   These connections are best made in a tap room.


This is all reflected by the recent growth of nano brewery tap rooms.  The opportunity is vast and ongoing, because you do not have to battle other breweries for that limited shelf space and limited number of tap handles in the market.  Instead of Joe’s Bar, there’s now Joe’s Brewery and Tap Room.  There can be one in practically every neighborhood, with nearby residents taking great pride in “their” brewery.  They patronize it by drinking a pint or two in the tap room or stopping on the way home to pick up a growler to go.  By focusing on small, neighborhood tap rooms, new brewers are capitalizing on this wide open opportunity and fueling the continued growth of the craft beer market.

brewery equipmentThis change in the way that beer is bought has a corresponding change in the way that beer is brewed.  The brewery has to be scaled to the sales model.  If beer in the taproom is worth 6 times more than beer in distribution, then the brewery has to be about 1/6th the size.  Instead of a 50 barrel system, maybe you brew on a 10 barrel system.    Instead of a 30 barrel system, maybe you brew on a 5 or a 7 barrel system.  At Stout Tanks and Kettles, our customers are buying 2 to 10 bbl systems in much greater numbers than they were even a few years ago.   Our brewery design consultants can talk you through the options available at every size of system.


But it’s more than just the size of the batches you brew.  It’s about the quality of the beer you brew.  If craft beer drinkers are going to pay top dollar for their experience of drinking a beer, they want the quality to be top notch as well.  That means your small brewing system has to have all the capabilities of a large system, and more.  You need to be able to do more with your small system than you could with a larger system.  You need to brew more diverse styles, experiment with a variety of flavors.  You need to highlight different ingredients.  Your system has to be more flexible, and better designed than a system that creates thousands of barrels of the same beer every year.


We have been designing all of the key functionality of larger brewing systems into smaller breweries longer than anybody else.  We have a wide variety of mash tuns, brew kettles, hot liquor tanks in all sizes.  Our cellar tanks are designed to fit in the small spaces offered in today’s tap rooms.  We can fit your fermenters and brite beer tanks in the tight spots of your brewery’s cellar.


No discussion of the economics of brewing is complete without a discussion of capital investments.  Any investment in a brewery still has to earn a return on investment, no matter what the scale of the operation.    If the size of your brewery is limited, your investment in capital also has to be proportional.   Our engineers at Stout Tanks and Kettles have designed every size of our brewhouses to be as cost effective as possible.  Because of our direct industry experience, we understand that that the capital investment in a small brewery system is directly related to the revenue that system produces.  Our brewery design consultants can talk with you about the size of investment you are prepared to make in your small brewery, and how to get the most out of every dollar you spend.  The plan for your brewery should be scaled financially to your sales strategy.


Stout Tanks and Kettles is here to help.  









[1] Most pours in a taproom are somewhat less than 16 full ounces.

The Myth about Big Electric Brewing:

There is a myth out there that electric brewing systems won’t work on brewhouses larger than 3 or 3.5 BBL.  Some equipment suppliers don’t even offer electric systems larger than 3.5 BBL.  The myth is that you can’t effectively control the temperature or the rate of the boil, or that it is not possible to get enough power to run the brewery.

Well, it just isn’t so.  At Stout Tanks and Kettles, we have been designing and building electric brewhouses all the way up to 15 BBL for years, and our customers will testify that their larger electric systems not only work great, but are much more effective and easier to use than steam or gas fired equipment.  If your building has the power available, you can have a larger electric system than you thought possible.

Brewing Equipment

The advantages of electric brewing are well known.  Electric heat is practically 100% efficient, meaning that all of the heat generated by the electric element goes into the wort or into the hot liquor tank.  In direct and indirect fire systems much of the heat generated by the flame is wasted on heating the air around the kettle instead of heating the contents of the kettle and then going up and out the chimney.  Likewise, steam boilers lose a significant amount of power depending on their heat source, and how far the heat has to be conveyed from boiler to brew kettle.  Safety is also a big factor in favor of electric.  Open flames from gas fired systems can be dangerous in environments where flammable grain dust and hops can be readily found.  Also, carbon monoxide can kill you.  Every combustion system has to provide a way to safely ventilate the dangerous exhaust gasses, and also to provide fresh make-up air to replace the volume of air that goes up the chimney.  Ventilation can be a significant expense in your build out.   If you can avoid that expense, why not?   With proper use of ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI), the risk of electric shock is effectively eliminated with a properly designed electric system.  The result is that an electric system can be a safer and cheaper option.

Electric  brewing will often cost less than steam or direct fire.  Installing the system can cost less because there is no ventilation or expensive steam piping to install.  In many cases, the cost of buying and installing steam pipe is much more than the cost of the boiler itself.  The cost of operating the system can also be less, depending on the price of energy in your area.  In many areas of the country, electricity’s cost is favorable to natural gas, especially when you factor in the efficiency of the system.  There are other operating costs to consider as well.  Boilers require a state license to operate, with annual inspections and fees.  Plus, it is necessary to conduct monthly tests on the boiler water chemistry – due to the expertise and equipment required, most breweries outsource this job for a monthly fee of $100 or more, plus the cost of the chemicals themselves.  Steam boilers can take considerable amount of space in your brewery, space that you are paying rent on.  So it’s not just a matter of the price per BTU to figure out which system is cheaper to operate.

Electric systems may also have the added benefit of carbon neutrality.  Depending on your electrical utility, your electricity could largely come from wind or solar.  The environmental benefits are sometimes important to your consumers.  According to a recent article by Forbes, 90% of millennial consumers would be will ing to switch brands because of a social or environmental cause.[1]  Being able to tout carbon neutral brewing has been a feather in the cap of more than one of our customers.

Some people have a negative view of electric brewing systems.  This is because there are some suppliers and “do-it-yourselfers” who didn’t design their systems well.  By not providing enough kilowatts to achieve an acceptable evaporation rate or heating times, not providing temperature control of the elements, or by not ensuring that the temperatures in the kettles are well controlled, these systems cannot perform as required.  The experienced brewer-designers at Stout Tanks and Kettles and our controls partner Brewmation have thought through the potential pitfalls and designed the equipment to ensure that it not just works, but makes the brewer’s job easier so he or she can brew the best beer possible.

The main reason people like electric is because it is easy to use and just better.  It’s more comfortable to work in a brewery that does not unnecessarily heat the entire brewery and the people in it.  You can

also set your automated system to begin heating the water in the hot liquor tank early in the morning so that by the time you get the brewery, your water is hot and ready to go.


Precise temperature control is necessary at all stages of brewing, especially mashing.  Temperature has a big impact on the enyzmes that convert complex carbohydrates into simpler sugars during the mash.  Different enzymes catalyze reactions at different temperatures.  Precisely controlling the temperature during the mash dictates how the enzymes catalyze the starches into sugars.   The temperature profile of the mash and wort over time is responsible for the flavor profile of the beer.  Being able to reproduce the temperature profile over time allows consistency of flavor from batch to batch.  A well-designed electric system will provide hot liquor at just the right temperature to the mash.  And, by adding optional HERMS or RIMS to your electric system, you can easily perform more complex step mashes.

The chart below shows the optimal rest temperatures for several of the major enzymes at work during the mash.[2]  Brewers very carefully raise the temperature of their mash for specific periods of time.  Care must be taken.  Once the temperature goes up, the enzymes are denatured, and stop working.  There is no going back.  Mashes must be precisely stepped by temperature and time.

Optimal rest temperatures for major mashing enzymes



Once the mashing is complete, and you have completed sparging and lautering, it is time to boil the wort.  This is where electric brewing shines, even in larger systems.  The chart below shows how long it takes to bring wort to a boil.  With a properly sized electric system, you can bring your wort to a boil in about 8 minutes.

Electric brewing equipment

The key to designing a good electric brewing system, even up to 15 BBL, is to be able to control the temperature of the water and the amount of power going to the elements.  At Stout Tanks and Kettles, we design our tanks to place all of the components of an electric brewing system in the right place, including float switches, thermowells for thermometers and temperature sensors, and of course the optimum placement of heating elements.  This means that the water heats evenly and consistently throughout the kettle.


Brewmation, our partner for controls, provides industrial-duty control panels capable of providing all the electricity to the elements, with precise control over the temperature and the amount of power delivered.  These control panels can deliver any amount of power from 1% to 100% of maximum power.  This level of precision will give you the control over your boil that you need, from reducing the heat after adding hops to ensuring a consistent evaporation rate from batch to batch.

The boil is an essential part of the brewing process, and controlling your temperature and evaporation rate precisely can mean the difference between a pretty good beer, and a great beer.  Lots of things are happening during your boil.  One of the simpler functions of the boil is simply to sterilize the wort.  In order to kill off the Lactobacillus bacteria present in your wort, you have to achieve a good boil.

Beyond simple sterilization, the boil is a critical step in building the flavors in your beer.  Boiling affects the flavor profile of the beer by allowing certain proteins to combine with polyphenols and tannins in the wort.  The time, temperature, and evaporation rate of the boil can affect how quickly this process occurs, and thus how the flavor evolves.

Some recipes depend on Maillard reactions between amino acids and reducing sugars that create a “caramelizing” or “browning” effect in the wort, adding flavor and color.  Maillard reactions do not require enzymes, but do need temperature high enough to sustain the reaction.  Much of the Maillard reactions happen in kilning the malts.  But some also occur in the boiling kettle at the right temperatures.

The duration and intensity of the boil also affects the isomerization of the acids in the hops.  Isomerization is the process by which one molecule becomes another molecule by rearranging the atoms into a different sequence.  During the boil, the acids in the hops actually change their molecular sequence, and thus their flavor and aromas.  Being able to reproduce the temperature and time profiles of a brew will allow you to create the same isomers of your hops every time.  Electric brewing systems have an advantage over direct fire because it is easier to reproduce the heating profiles from batch to batch.

The boil can also affect the amount of Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) in your beer.   DMS is a sulfide molecule that is formed in the wort, and is responsible for that “creamed corn” smell in your wort.  All malt contains S-Methyl Methionine (SMM).  This is an amino acid formed during germination and malting.  During mashing, and even in the boil, SMM is converted to DMS.  The only way to get rid of the DMS is to boil it off.  The half-life of DMS is about 40 minutes, which means that half of the DMS disappears after 40 minutes of a vigorous boil.  Many brewers like to boil for at least 90 minutes to get rid of about 2/3rd of the DMS in the wort.  Rapidly cooling your wort after the boil with a heat exchanger will minimize the amount of DMS that forms in the wort after the boil is done.

Clean up with electric systems is straightforward.  With high quality all stainless steel elements, you should see minimal scorching or caramelizing of sugars on the heating elements.  With a good CIP (Clean In Place) system, your electric brew system should stay clean, requiring element removal about once a week, typically.


In sum, electric brewing systems can be a very effective option all the way up to 15 BBL systems.  Installation costs can be much lower than steam or direct fire because no ventilation and no steam fitter is required.  Operating costs can be significantly lower too, because electric heat is so much more efficient.  But the biggest advantages come from automating your brewing process and having precise control over your brew at all stages.  The magic of beer happens through invisible chemical reactions that all all controlled by heat.  Control the heat, and you will control the magic.
