Mash Tuns

From home brewing to commercial brewing, we have you covered.  Our mash tuns can be used in a variety of mashing methods and are designed to give you an optimum combination of good extraction, high gravities, and efficient lautering.  Whether you use a single infusion mash method, or a step mash method to increase the temperature of the mash to different temperatures over time, we have designed our mash tuns to be flexible enough to accommodate your process.   We offer insulated mash tun for those doing single infusions mashes as well as non-insulated mash tuns for those looking to indirectly heat their mash with a HERMS (heat exchange recirculating mash system) or RIMS (recirculation infusion mash system).  Each mash tun has a sanitary thermowell for accurate mash readings and the ability to have precise temperature control.


We offer motorized rakes and plows on many of our mash tuns to help break up the grain bed and make it easier to grain out.  Brewing is work, but it does not have to be back breaking.  All of our mash tuns come standard with sanitary tri-clamp fittings for easy cleaning and production of high-quality wort.  Each mash tun is sized to get the proper grist to water ratio for a high gravity beer without overflowing.  

Please call us directly for custom tank options or Click Here to get a FREE Quote